Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Global Debt Clock

(Published @ The Compass @ September 20, 2009)

Global debt is exploding, and Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff thinks that a new debt crisis is bound to follow the latest financial one.

Indirectly supporting the above thesis is a well-crafted and fascinating "Global Debt Clock" now maintained by The Economist. But before you check out the clock, glance over a recent piece by Joseph Stiglitz that smartly warns about the alluring, dangerous, and ultimately deceptive "fetishism" the world has on statistics.

(Cartoon Credit: The Korea Times)


  1. The piece by Stiglitz seems to be more concerned with the overriding use of GDP rather than claiming that all statistics are bad.

  2. that's legit. yes, i should have been more precise.

    thanks for reading,

    - josh
