Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Risks of U.S. Aid to Pakistan

(Published @ The Economic Times. July 11, 2009)

Prosperity in Pakistan depends on growth of its civil institutions as opposed to its military. As such, the ‘Enhanced Strategic Partnership with Pakistan’ legislation, now receiving final touches in the US Congress, is in theory a boost in socio-economic aid to Pakistan. It designates $1.5 billion to Pakistan annually from 2009 to 2013, with a clause that allows for extension of the policy into 2018.

However, the proposal lacks teeth to guarantee that aid is allocated correctly, rests on a foundation of ineffective US foreign aid policy, and shows a misunderstanding of core incentives within Islamabad that is almost sure to undermine the goals of the policy.

First, the Bill’s “waiver” clause allows the US secretary of state to release funds regardless of whether Pakistan allocates aid appropriately as long as the secretary deems that “it is important to the national security interests of the United States.”

Given the US reliance on the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency to fight contingents of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, this waiver renders the policy feckless. Other than limited use of airborne drones in and around the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, US military activity in Pakistan is minimal. Yet, as much of the Taliban’s leadership resides in Quetta and other Pakistani cities, the ISI remains indispensable.

The nature of Washington and Islamabad alliance leaves the latter with the lever of power regarding aid disbursement. Washington once attempted a similar aid package with the 1985 Pressler Amendment to regulate the development of Pakistan’s nuclear programme, but Washington’s collusion with Islamabad against the Soviet Union resulted in President Reagan regularly exercising his “waiver” power.

Second, Washington has been proven incompetent in managing its own foreign aid policy. According to the congressionally appointed Wartime Contracting Commission, despite 1,287 recommendations in 537 reports submitted to agencies in the US government about how to review aid initiatives in Iraq and Afghanistan, “there is still no clear picture of who the contractors in the theatre are, what services they provide, which contracts they perform, and what their support costs are.” Additionally, 70% of the work contracted out to a primary contractor (which Washington oversees) is given out to subcontractors (which Washington does not oversee).

Also, of the 240,000 contract employees, 80% are foreign nationals. This poses a dangerous scenario in Pakistan where aid groups like Jamat-ud-Dawa , working with the three million Pakistani Internally Displaced People, are fronts for groups like the protector of al-Qaeda and the perpetrator of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Third, even if the aid is well-spent, it still frees up $15 billion of Pakistani taxpayer money that Islamabad no longer needs to spend on its own civilian institutions. Like petrodollars in Saudi Arabia, Islamabad will provide basic public services without political accountability. If a recent past hints at the present, much of the non-allocated taxpayer money will flow into the ISI’s support of Islamic militancy in Kashmir or military reinforcements along the shared border with India. General corruption is also a problem: in 2008, The Guardian found in a review of $5.4 billion in aid given to Pakistan, 70% had been “misspent.”

Washington should consider some changes. First, remove the waiver clause, which would then grant full power to the US Congress to scrutinise how aid is spent and determine whether next year’s aid should be disbursed, placing pressure on Islamabad to adhere to some metric of development.

Second, add the Kashmiri militant group Hizb-ul-Mujahideen to the list of terrorists that Pakistan must suppress. In March, while the US supported the assault in Pakistan’s western frontier, 54 militants associated with Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and other ISI-linked terrorist groups crossed the Line of Control into Jammu & Kashmir, reportedly the highest amount of militant infiltration during that time in the past five years.

To Washington, terrorism on Pakistan’s eastern border should be viewed as dangerous as on its western one, given the proven links to groups supporting the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Only when the ISI’s militant proxies are squelched will Islamabad begin to moderate and modernise. Third, consider whether such an aid package is realistic in its objectives. The hubris of the Bush administration to reshape the Middle East through a war in Iraq undermined the US credibility worldwide and raided the US economy. Even now, the stability of Iraq is in question. If, according to Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, it took three trillion dollars of US treasure over the past six years to get Iraq to where it is today, then what can one half of 1% of that ($15 billion) over the next ten years in Pakistan be expected to accomplish?

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